How to define and fill a ‘hard to recruit’ sales role

Defining a hard to recruit role involves identifying the specific qualifications, skills, and experience that are required for the position and determining whether there is a limited pool of candidates who possess these qualities. Here are some steps you can take to define a hard to recruit role:

  1. Determine the job requirements. Start by identifying the essential job duties, responsibilities, and qualifications required for the position. Consider the education, experience, certifications, technical skills, and soft skills that are necessary for the role.
  2. Research the job market. Conduct research to determine the availability of candidates with the required skills and qualifications in the job market. Look at industry trends, job posting sites, and other sources to see how many similar job openings are available and how long they typically remain open.
  3. Analyse your company’s reputation. Consider how your company is perceived by potential candidates in the industry. If your company has a negative reputation or is not well-known, it may be more challenging to attract top talent.
  4. Evaluate compensation and benefits. Examine the salary range, benefits, and other incentives that your company offers for the position. If your company’s compensation package is lower than the industry average or does not meet the expectations of candidates, it may be harder to attract qualified candidates.
  5. Consult with experts. Consider consulting with recruiters or other experts in the industry to gain insights into the current job market and the potential challenges associated with filling the position.

Overall, defining a hard to recruit role involves assessing the specific qualifications and skills required for the position and analysing the job market and other factors that may impact the ability to attract qualified candidates.

Filling a hard to recruit role can be a challenging task, but there are several strategies you can use to increase your chances of success. Here are some steps you can take to fill a hard to recruit role:

  1. Refine your job description. Ensure that your job description accurately reflects the essential requirements and responsibilities of the position. Make sure that the job posting is clear and concise, and includes relevant keywords that potential candidates might search for.
  2. Tap into your network. Reach out to your professional network, including current employees, industry contacts, and other relevant connections. Let them know about the open position and ask for referrals or recommendations.
  3. Use specialized recruitment resources. Consider using specialized recruitment resources such as executive search firms, head-hunters, or staffing agencies that focus on the specific industry or skillset you are looking for.
  4. Offer competitive compensation and benefits. Ensure that your compensation package is competitive with other similar roles in the industry. Offer attractive benefits packages and consider other incentives such as flexible work arrangements, remote work options, or career development opportunities.
  5. Consider training and development. If you are unable to find a candidate with all the required qualifications, consider offering training or development programs to help the chosen candidate acquire the necessary skills and knowledge.
  6. Leverage social media. Use social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to promote the job opening and reach a wider audience. Consider using paid advertising to increase visibility.
  7. Be patient. Filling a hard to recruit role may take longer than expected. It’s important to be patient and not settle for a less-qualified candidate just to fill the position quickly.

Overall, filling a hard to recruit role requires a comprehensive approach that involves leveraging your network, using specialized recruitment resources, offering competitive compensation and benefits, and being patient in the process.